Fantini Research Launches New Logo and Distribution Platform
IRVINE, CALIFORNIA, June 17, 2022 — With the acquisition of Fantini Research publications by Eilers and Krejcik Gaming, Fantini Research is pleased to announce the release of a new logo and report distribution platform.
The updated logo and color scheme reflects Fantini’s role as a division of Eilers and Krejcik and will be used across all Fantini publications and on the website.
Additionally, Fantini Research will now be utilizing BlueMatrix to deliver its reports and products to subscribers.
Subscribers will not need to take any action to receive their reports as normal, and the easy, quick-read format for which Fantini is known for will remain unchanged.
If you have trouble receiving your reports, please contact Publisher Ashley Diem at adiem@fantiniresearch.com or at 302-730-3793 for assistance.
Those who are not current subscribers but would like a free trial can send a request to subscriptions@fantiniresearch.com.
Copyright ©: Fantini’s Gaming Report © and Fantini Research are divisions of Eilers & Krejcik Gaming, LLC. All rights reserved. Our reports and content are protected by copyright and we reserve all rights except for as granted in this paragraph, and subject to the conditions stated below. We grant each subscriber and secondary recipient the right to receive, read, and utilize the reports and report contents for their individual use only. Your Subscriber Rights and Conditions give subscribers and secondary recipients the right to receive, read, and utilize the copyrighted reports and report contents for their individual use only. This right of individual use does not authorize providing whole or partial copies to others (even in your company) in any way, such as forwarding, posting, printing, file sharing, scanning, making photocopies, circulating, selling, publishing or otherwise. The right does not authorize any use by a person before he or she becomes a subscriber or secondary recipient. Any other right must be granted in writing by Eilers & Krejcik Gaming, LLC. You agree to inform paid subscribers and recipients of the conditions on their use, and you authorize us, in our discretion, to employ tracking services to check their compliance. Unauthorized copying or distribution violates copyright law and may carry serious consequences.
Subscriptions are available for $7,449 for the Elite Service Suite, $3,499 for Premium Service, $2,199 for Executive Level, and $1,199 for Basic. We also offer a Concierge package that includes individualized consulting services for $16,499. Subscriptions are limited to one primary subscriber who may, with permission, add a secondary recipient at the same company and URL at no additional charge, with Eilers & Krejcik Gaming, LLC first giving you written permission to do so. Affordable multi-user licenses are available and can be customized for any number of designated recipients. See Subscriber Rights and Conditions above.
For additional information, call +1 302 730 3793. Subscriptions can be ordered by phone, online at http://www.FantiniResearch.com.
Ashley Diem, publisher and executive editor. ADiem@FantiniResearch.com
Blake Weishaar, editor. BWeishaar@FantiniResearch.com
Dee Wild-Shyver, associate editor and VP of Fantini’s Gaming Show. DWild@FantiniResearch.com
Hannah Wilmarth, senior writer. HWilmarth@FantiniResearch.com
Laura Briggs, director of public policy. LBriggs@FantiniResearch.com
Patrick Zerkle, writer. PZerkle@FantiniResearch.com
Cindy Konowitz, business manager. CKonowitz@FantiniResearch.com
Stephanie Creech, administrative and marketing assistant. SCreech@FantiniResearch.com
Frank Fantini, publisher emeritus and consultant. FFantini@FantiniResearch.com
Subscription inquiries: Subscriptions@FantiniResearch.com
Analyst notes: Analysts@FantiniResearch.com
News releases: Editor@FantiniResearch.com
Websites: www.FantiniResearch.com and www.FantinisGamingShow.com
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/fantini-research
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fantiniresearch
Eilers & Krejcik Gaming, LLC
Fantini Research and Fantini’s Gaming Report
5 Corporate Park, Suite 110
Irvine, California, USA 92606
Phone: +1 302 730 3793
About Eilers & Krejcik Gaming:
Eilers & Krejcik Gaming, LLC is a boutique market research and consulting firm focused on servicing the gaming equipment, interactive gaming, and sports betting sectors within the global gaming industry. The firm’s products and services include market research, company research, and consulting and advisory services designed specifically for land based & online casino operators, equipment & technology suppliers, social gaming companies, real-money online game companies, and institutional investors. Additional information regarding the firm’s research products and consulting & advisory services can be obtained by visiting www.ekgamingllc.com.